Hosting yourself and your team

Remember the quote of Bill O'Brien?: "The success of an intervention depends on the quality of the interior condition of the intervenor."

As part of a smaller or larger hosting team, we suggest to have a team-dialogue to explorewhat you need, as an individual and as a team, in order to feel ready & able to host a group(-process) and to create a creative & safe space for other people.

·What kind of nourishment do you need as a host and as a hosting team?

·Is everybody comfortable with- and clear on their roles?

·Can you create and hold a space within the team to voice potential discomfort, disagreement/conflict, or any other issues that might affect how you feel and might influence your hosting experience?

It helps to do regular check-ins and check-outs at the beginning and end of every meeting to encourage complete transparency in the conversation space.

To support a smooth & clear organization-process, you could also plan weekly calls and/or use a central online system for communication and planning, such as Slack (there are other possibilities likeBasecamporAsana).

Nourish yourself: a personal practice

What is your personal practice to help you to sustain your energy and full presence?

You do not have to be a mindfulness master. A practice is something you do every day or as much as you can; a moment where you intentionally slow down and take the time to reflect or be silent. To be present. That is what Presencing is all about. Some people meditate, do yoga or pray, others walk (their dog), spend time in nature, write etc.

In chapter 9, Tools and methods, you can find an example of an 'awareness practice'.

The limits of hosting

Be aware that you, as a hosting team, are co-responsible for the spirit of the hub, together with all the participants. The u.lab process can be an intense experience and it is possible that people will encounter some emotions or blocks. If that should happen, we advise the hosts to care and pay loving attention, but don't try to solve the (personal) issue. Everyone is responsible for their own learning experience, so trust the process the participants need to go through and allow them to find their own way.

The Principles of Theory U, translated to hub hosting

Hosting the hub does not exclude you from a personal process.

· Although you operate from a different angle, when you are facilitating, you will also be in a process of change or transformation. It is a matter of awareness and discipline to observe your own process and to organize time and attention to integrate experiences and insights, by yourself, with your team and/or with other hub hosts.

'Never work alone' and participate.

· If your team is more than 2 people, you can plan ahead who will host what piece during the hub meeting. We advise to create pairs to host a piece. The other hosting team members can participate in the hub process while their co-hosts are facilitating. This helps to create a co-owned space and avoids a separation between hosts and participants.

We invite you to aspire to embody the practice and the principles of the U process while hosting.

· Contribute from a place of Open Mind, Open Heart, Open Will

· Focus on the essence: what is essential to communicate in order to advance collective understanding?

· Listen deeply to what is happening and what wants to happen - what is emerging?

· Always stay connected and stay open to feedback & new ideas

· Stay grounded in your most authentic Self!

Other principles:

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